Coût des études au Sénégal ✅

Senegal is one of the African countries that offer the best university education with internationally recognized diplomas. But this education, although free in universities and public schools, requires fees. In effect, le coût des études au Sénégal concerns registration fees, accommodation, food, transport, etc.

Discover in this article some figures to get an idea of the costs of studies in Senegal in the public and private sector.

Le coût des études au Sénégal : les frais de scolarité

The cost of studying in Senegal in public and private schools and universities depends on several factors.

Les frais de scolarité dans les universités publiques

Education in the public is fully funded by the state. On the other hand, the student or the pupil must pay a registration. This registration increases according to the levels. For the first cycle, registrations do not exceed 3,000 CFA francs. While at the secondary level up to high school the sum triples because of the uniforms and various costs collected by the establishments.

At the university from license 1 to license 3, the registration fees increase and can reach the sum of 25,000 CFA francs. In addition, for the Master's you must pay 50,000 F CFA, and for the doctorate 75,000 F CFA.

Please note that these tuition fees only concern students of Senegalese nationality and students from UEMOA countries.

The cost of studying in Senegal for foreigners

The Senegalese foreign students who are not part of UEMOA are obliged to pay an administrative registration fee and an educational registration fee.

Their registration fees are defined as follows:

  • In license 1: 200,000 CFA francs per year
  • Licence2: 250,000 F CFA per year
  • Under license3: 300,000 F CFA per year
  • Master: 500,000 F CFA per year
  • Doctorate: 1,000,000 CFA francs per year

Les frais de scolarité dans les écoles et universités privées

Private education in Senegal includes private universities, training schools and institutes. In addition, tuition fees in the private sector depend on the school, but also on the training and the level of study.

Training in private schools averages between 300,000 and 2,000,000 CFA francs per year.
More particularly for the best computers (SAID, ESP, ESMT, ESTM, etc…) le coût d’une année au premier cycle de licence varie entre 700 000 et 1 200 000 FCFA
For the best schools in management, project management, finance (CESAG, ISM, IAM, etc…) the cost of a year in the first cycle of license varies between 1,230,000 and 1,800,000 FCFA

Today, with scholarships offered by organizations and the State, you can join a university or a private training school with a sum of 250,000 CFA francs per year.

Monthly personal charges

The cost of studying in Dakar does not relate badly to tuition fees. Indeed, these expenses also concern rent, electricity, food and transport.

The rent  

If you decide to live off campus. You need to rent a room, a studio or an apartment. In addition, the rental price in cities like Dakar depends on several factors: the district, the size of the premises and the proximity.

If, for example, you decide to study in Dakar, you will have several choices: to live in the city center, in an urban area or in a peri-urban area. However, renting downtown is expensive. Looking for a room outside this area and not far from your school would be a good idea to save money.

An average room is rented in the peripheral area of Dakar at 30,000 CFA francs, while renting a studio in the city center can reach the sum of 200,000 CFA francs. Outside of Dakar, in towns like Saint-Louis and Ziguinchor, renting is not expensive. You can rent a room there for 15,000 F CFA.

The food

Food in Senegal is not too expensive. A meal in restaurants costs on average 500 to 2000 CFA francs. On the other hand, the university restaurants are average, because they are subsidized by the State. Indeed, lunch and meals do not reach 300 CFA francs. However, other means can decrease the price of food.

  • You can cook yourself
  • You can also buy food in bulk


There are various means of transport in Senegal. Indeed, to get to school or university, you can take a taxi or public transport. Taxis charge, depending on the distance. Also, if you are looking for something mid-priced you can take the buses that criss-cross most of the country's cities. Bus tickets rarely exceed 400 CFA francs.

Miscellaneous charges to be expected

As for the cost of studies in Senegal, there are other less important charges, but which must be foreseen. These can be the clothes you need to buy, outings with friends, internet packages. All these expenses can be pocket money to plan separately and which will serve you in various occasions.

In short, the cost of studying in Senegal over the year is a bit expensive and more expensive for foreigners who are not part of the WAEMU countries. However, this cost can be reduced thanks to support grants.

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