✅ Agriculture training in Senegal

The training courses in agriculture in Senegal give you the opportunity to learn the trade in practice in all its forms. Indeed, there is a real diversity in terms of options and opportunities in the field. In Dakar alone, you can do the BTS, the license and the master. You'll be spoiled for choice !

Accelerated training in agriculture in Senegal: the BTS

Agricultural training in Senegal allows you to do a short course. Indeed, after the baccalaureate, it is possible to do a Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) in the field. In two years, you will be trained as a senior technician in agriculture. Later if you wish, you can continue your studies with a bachelor's degree.

The bachelor's and master's degree in agriculture 

It is possible to do a bachelor's or master's degree in agriculture in universities in Senegal. Indeed, public universities such as the UGB offer a bachelor's degree in agriculture which can lead to a specialized master's degree. After the course, a panoply of choices are available to you. However, you can continue your studies in public universities or do a professional master's degree in the private sector.

What budgets should be planned for training in agriculture in Senegal? 

Agricultural training in Senegal gives you three possibilities. Indeed, you can do competitions to train yourself in the field in this case, it's free. Also, you can enroll in public universities and you will only pay the enrollment fees. On the other hand, you can register in private schools where you will pay the registration fees and the monthly payments to your balance.

Farming competitions 

These entrance tests are organized every year in Senegal. Indeed, they allow to enter in first year of license or BTS in agriculture. Some of these competitions include:

  • The entrance examination to the National School of Agriculture (ENSA)
  • The BTS entrance examination at the CGEA

The expenses incurred relate only to the application fees. Indeed, the latter is around 5000 F CFA to 10,000 F CFA.

Agricultural training in public universities

You can study agriculture at Gaston Berger University in Saint Louis (UGB). Registration fees for the bachelor's degree amount to 25,000 CFA francs and for the master's to 50,000 CFA francs.

The cost of training in agriculture in Senegal in private universities

The cost of training depends on the level and the universities. Indeed, each university sets its own rates. In addition, for the license level the sum generally ranges from 250,000 F CFA to 300,000 F CFA and sometimes 1,300,000 F CFA in certain private establishments.

Agricultural training schools in Senegal

There are various agricultural training schools in Senegal. Indeed, these institutes are divided between the private and the public.

List of Private Agriculture Schools in Senegal

The private schools that offer courses in agriculture are:

  • BEM (Bordeaux Management School): it offers a double degree in Bachelor Agribusiness and Industry
  • ISM : it allows you to train in agribusiness management
  • HEPO (École des Hautes Études polytechniques de Dakar): it offers a professional degree in livestock advice, a degree in management of agricultural enterprises and a degree in commercial production
  • ESAS (Higher School in Agronomy of Senegal) gives you the opportunity to have a BT, a BTS, a CAP, a license and a master's degree and even certifications in agriculture
  • UPM Senegal (Private University of Marrakech) offers a course in Agro-industry engineering

List of public universities that provide training in agriculture 

In the audience there are many choices available to you. You can do this type of training by doing a competition or by enrolling in one of these schools after the baccalaureate:

  • ISEP Thies offers two years of full-time training in agriculture. In addition, the program is accessible to people holding bac T, S, G and L2.
  • Gaston Berger University : you can do a DUT in Agroecology, a license in agri-food, animal and plant production or a master's degree in agri-food, management of aquatic systems, etc.
  • USSEIN (University of Sine Saloum El-Hadj Ibrahima Niass) trains you for free in agriculture, biology and ecology. New S and L2 series baccalaureate holders can submit their application via the CAMPUSEN platform

Opportunities for training in agriculture        

After training in agriculture, you can work in various positions. Indeed, you can do agriculture, beekeeping, animal husbandry. In addition, you can be an environmental consultant, an environmental health and safety officer or even a project manager, etc.

Agriculture training in Senegal gives you the chance to have skills in many areas such as agribusiness, livestock and extensive agriculture.

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