3fpt online registration 2021 for corporate training

The 3FPT and ADEPME have signed a partnership aimed at enabling small and medium-sized enterprises to benefit from training financed at 95 %. Indeed, they will allow the actors of the companies to sharpen their personal development, their know-how, but also to acquire a much more flexible approach on the economy. Find in this article all the necessary information about online registration of the 3FPT in 2021 for corporate training.

Who is eligible for 3FPT online registration in 2021 for corporate training?

3FPT online registrations in 2021 for corporate training relate to the sectors:

  • Health
  • Hides and skins
  • fish products
  • Food industry
  • Confections and clothing
  • Hospitality jobs
  • From farming
  • Construction
  • Education
  • ICT

What are the eligibility criteria for 3FPT online registration in 2021 for corporate training?   

3fpt inscription en ligne 2021

For a company to benefit from the training, it must necessarily show evidence that confirms its existence as an equal. Indeed, she must present her extract from the commercial register or a hard copy of his NINEA. In addition, if it is an association, it can only present a receipt confirming its creation. It must also present a state financial based on the minimum cash system or normal system. A company that also wishes to register for the program must have a Training plan. Finally, it must have at least one financial contribution of 5 %.

How to register for the program?

In addition, 3FPT online registration in 2021 for corporate training is very simple. Go to the ADEPME website then click on the registration form. Indeed, once you arrive on the form, you will find questions on the status of your company, after the choice to validate. Then, fill in various personal information about your company such as: the name, full name of the president, gender, age, location of the company, NINEA, sector of activity, etc. And finally, answer the question whether or not you can make a total contribution of 5 TP2T towards the cost of the training.
We put the link of the registration below:

3fpt online registration

Now that you have all the registration information for 3FPT corporate training, it's your turn.

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