In this restaurant you will find sweets and a dessert buffet. It is located in Sacre Coeur city keur Gorgui opposite Planet Kebab. After having eaten well in Lokmachoco you can go to this space for a good dessert. The staff is very motivated to advise you on the different flavors and types of desserts that suit you. The space is also very sweet like the sweetness of the dessert that you will savor in peace and which melts in your mouth, letting you travel in the clouds of good flavor and good taste. Do not hesitate to make a hook and you will not come back by chance.
Telephone: 77 671 08 36
Menu lokmachoco
The presentation
Welcoming and service at the top. Breathtaking deserts?❤️
Welcoming, we almost only sell chocolate
Just a delicious word ❤️? ?
You want to eat ? sweet and good lokma choco is the right place
The ladies are super welcoming and the food is ❤️ Especially the chicken pancakes