The Dakar zaouli

The Dakar zaouli is what restaurant which offers Ivorian specialties, Senegalese and European cuisine. Nestled at 90, Rue Mousse Diop, Dakar Plateau near the French Institute, it is open Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m. The zaouli is this restaurant that reminds you of the Ivory Coast with very good Kédjénous, attiéké and alloco seed sauces. They make the best braised fish and chicken. A nice place, all shady and well ventilated where the price of the dishes varies between 1200fcfa and 1700fcfa and the juice at 200f the glass. The service is fast and the staff friendly, the restaurant does not have parking on the other hand. To reach them call 33 823 28 03/77 149 11 49.

The zaouli menu

menu le zaouli

4 reviews

  1. I've been there many times ! Frankly very good and friendly, attentive staff. This is my little Ivorian Food corner!

  2. I like?

    Personally I go there to discover the dishes of neighboring countries like that of the Ivorians. I strongly advise you

  3. To visit

    Very good braised fish. Must visit

  4. Yummm

    Too good

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Rue Mousse Diop 105
Dakar Dakar NS
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Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.