At Ndioufa's

Find a Senegalese and European specialty at restaurant at Ndioufa located on Rue J. Gomis, Dakar. This little square down a narrow alley that is a bit difficult to get to is indeed an attractive place that is worth visiting. It is open 7 days a week from 11:30 a.m. to midnight and Adja suggests a Senegalese menu with a European touch, grilled fish plus side dishes, mechoui, chicken and an equally exquisite desert. For Senegalese dishes (Thiébou Djeun thiof, saka saka, royal paella, kandia soup, mafé), prices vary between 2,500 and 5,000 fcfa. Grilled meats (braised fish, thiof, shrimp, squid) between 5,000 fcfa and 15,000 fcfa. The house also offers pasta, coffee and local juices. Above all, do not hesitate to visit it. For your reservations or orders, call (+221) 77 454 62 64.

1 review

  1. Very good Senegalese dishes I loved ouff❤

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Rue J. Gomis
Dakar Dakar NS
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