Health training schools recognized by the state of Senegal in 2025

De plus en plus d’écoles de formation en santé émergent au Sénégal, ce qui pose désormais un défi aux nouveaux bacheliers qui cherchent à faire un choix éclairé parmi ces établissements. Ils doivent tenir compte de critères tels que la qualité de la formation et la reconnaissance par l’État sénégalais.

Dans cet article, nous vous présenterons les différentes écoles de formation dans le domaine de la santé qui ont obtenu l’habilitation et l’accréditation de l’Autorité Nationale d’Assurance Qualité de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation du Sénégal (ANAQ-SUP).

Before listing these different establishments, a brief explanation of the authority that issues these accreditations is in order.
So what ANAQ-SUP ?

The National Authority for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ANAQ-Sup) is a State agency under the administrative and technical supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR), responsible for controlling, ensure and improve the quality of higher education programs and institutions.
We can now move on to health training schools that have an accreditation issued by ANAQ-SUP

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Health training schools recognized by the state of Senegal


IPFORMED has a accreditation for their post-baccalaureate doctor's degree in medicine.
You can find the ANAQ-SUP evaluation report at click here

More info on IPFORMED and their training courses on:

St. CHRISTOPHER Iba Mardiop College of Medicine

St Christopher has been approved by the State of Senegal, Ref 000809/AG/MEN/DES, since February 2000.
More info on st.christopher and their training courses on:


ISS has:

  • of a accreditation for their Bachelor's degree in Biology, Dietetics option
    You can find the ANAQ-SUP evaluation report at click here
  • of a accreditation for their Bachelor's degree in Biology, Agribusiness option
    You can find the ANAQ-SUP evaluation report at click here

More info on ISS and their training courses on:


EUROMED has a accreditation for their doctorate in pharmacy.
You can find the ANAQ-SUP evaluation report at click here

More info on EUROMED and their training courses on:

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