In total, 58 private higher education institutions are now authorized to issue recognized diplomas, according to Professor Lamine Guèye, executive secretary of the National Authority for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Research and Innovation (ANAQ-SUP).
This decision follows a rigorous evaluation process conducted between 2020 and 2023 by ANAQ-SUP, involving 78 private institutions. "Out of 75 institutions evaluated during this period, 58 received a favorable opinion to award higher education diplomas, which represents an accreditation rate of approximately 77%," said Professor Guèye during the official submission of ANAQ-SUP's 2020-2023 activity reports to the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI).
Professor Guèye added that two distinct procedures were implemented by ANAQ-SUP: on the one hand, the institutional evaluation necessary for the accreditation to issue diplomas according to the LMD system, and on the other hand, the evaluation of programs for their accreditation.
Regarding specific programs, "218 out of 279 programs submitted to the scientific council between 2020 and 2023 were accredited, representing an accreditation rate of around 78%," he emphasizes.
Professor Guèye recalled the two essential criteria for the official recognition of a diploma in Senegal: first, the accreditation of the establishment by the MESRI after a favorable opinion from the Scientific Council of ANAQ-SUP; then, the specific accreditation of the training program by ANAQ-SUP.
"This is what gives quality assurance its full scope. It is essential that all Senegalese be clearly informed about the training programs and establishments validated by ANAQ-SUP," he insists.
For his part, Minister Abdourakhmane Diouf acknowledged "the significant progress" made in terms of quality, while highlighting the existence of major challenges. He recommended, as a priority, strengthening internal quality assurance units by creating dedicated budget lines.
According to the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), it is imperative that "all higher education institutions, particularly universities, comply with regulations by systematically submitting their programs for accreditation, an essential criterion for the recognition of diplomas."
Finally, he considers it necessary to revise, update and harmonise the texts governing higher education and research.