✅ Free classifieds sites in Senegal

Classified ads in Senegal offer you an easy and effective way to promote your business, product or service on the Internet. There is no need to pay any fees to get started. Whether you are looking for cooperation, partnerships or want to sell your old furniture, the Free classifieds sites in Senegal will allow you to publish articles and distribute them easily on all social networks.


Annonce.senegalndiaye.com is a free online classifieds site. It allows people in Senegal to market, sell and promote their services. Whether you're looking to sell your old couch or promote your brand new startup, this is the place to do it. With over thousands of potential customers visiting the site each month, you have the opportunity to bring your product, service or idea to the world in a convenient, affordable and effective way.

It bridges the gap between customers and businesses. It allows Internet users to easily find what they need within their local community.

You can post in several categories real estate, cars, household appliances, multimedia, smartphones, etc…

site de petite annonce gratuite au Sénégal

Publish your ad by clicking here and it will be directly present after validation on the website

site de petite annonce gratuite au Sénégal

CoinAfrique Senegal

CoinAfrica is the way to get what you need in Senegal If you need anything, you can find it on CoinAfrica. Do you want to sell your extra room to earn some money? Are you looking for a new car? Or maybe a new phone for work or school? Whatever your need, you can find it here. With tons of categories, from household goods to vehicles to electronics and everything in between, we've got what you're looking for.

Whether you're buying or selling, it offers a great way to connect with people across Senegal and find exactly what you're looking for. It also has tons of categories, from home goods to vehicles to electronics and everything in between, so whether you're looking for a new pair of shoes or a new car. Or if you are looking to sell something, he can help you! With CoinAfrique, the best deals are at your fingertips.

The Bottom Line: There are different types of free classifieds sites in Senegal. Although they are all called "classifieds", they are all different. And only a few will be useful to your small or medium business. We recommend that you think carefully before using the classifieds.

Jumia Deals

It is not for nothing that it appears in the list of free classifieds sites in Senegal. Indeed, Jumia Deals is a classifieds platform that has been around for over two years and has quickly become one of Africa's leading online marketplaces. Its success has enabled many people to find business opportunities to help them make ends meet, while others have been able to enjoy the convenience of finding needed products without having to leave their homes.

It is the number one place to buy and sell products, electronics, cars, services, jobs and residential rentals in Senegal. It offers you a wide range of quality items at unbeatable prices. Shopping online with Jumia Deals is fast, easy and secure, allowing you to compare offers from multiple sellers.


Dakarvente.com is a place for discovering and sharing ads in Senegal and around the world. You'll find categories to help you, including housing, events, cars, jobs, electronics, fashion, and more. You can search for sellers or buyers or post ads quickly with the platform. Reach out to people who posted an ad with their phone number or a message. Buy products safely and save time because everything is free and easy!


It is one of the best free classifieds sites in Senegal. Dakar-Annonces is a free classifieds site to post your goods and services for free and reach people!

Posts are easy to post, you can share photos of your properties, it's that simple! It also has a dedicated customer support service to help you get the most out of your experience.


If you are in Senegal, you need Expat-Dakar. Looking for things to buy and sell? Do you want to find your dream job or rent your property to that perfect tenant? He takes care of you! You can create an ad in no time, and it's totally free. You are not limited by word count, number of ads or anything else. Plus, it gets a lot of traffic, so there's a big chance you'll find what you're looking for. And if you really want to stand out, they have options for that too: upload images, videos, maps – anything that will help get your point across!

Whether you need a car, a house or just new clothes for next season's show (or you're looking to part with your car/house/clothes), Expat-Dakar has you covered.

Find all our articles on classified ads here