✅ The new Orange Money Senegal 2021 rates

Good news for Orange customers. The company has changed Orange Money tariffs in Senegal since 1er June 2021. In fact, now you can take advantage of a reduction in -80 % on the costs of withdrawing money and by code. That's not all, in fact, every day you can benefit from two free transfers capped at CFAF 2,000 on the Kalpé Orange Money.

Les nouveaux tarifs Orange Money Sénégal 2021

The new Orange Money Senegal 2021 rates: shipping costs 

Orange has changed the Orange Money sending rates. Here is the updated grid.

  • Of 1 at CFAF 500 shipping costs are now free as well as 501 at 2000 FCFA
  • However, to send an amount between 2001 at CFAF 3000 you will pay CFAF 15
  • The amount included between 3001 at 5000 FCFA is billed to CFAF 25
  • The landing between 5001 at 10,000 F CFA is invoice CFAF 50
  • And of 10,001 at CFAF 15,000 the operator only takes CFAF 50
  • Of 20,000 at CFAF 30,000 to CFAF 100
  • And finally for the numbers between 100,000 at 2,000,000 Orange only takes 0,3 % Cost.

The drop in Orange Money Senegal 2021 withdrawal rates 

The shipping costs are cheaper than the withdrawal rates, but there is still an improvement. Here are the updated shipping rates.

  • The recovery of an amount between 1 and 500 FCFA costs now CFAF 50 on the Kalpé Orange Money
  • In addition, to disburse an amount between 501 and 2000 FCFA orange takes CFAF 20 commission
  • Of 2001 FCFA at CFAF 3000, The commission fee is CFAF 30
  • In addition, Orange charges CFAF 90 for rates included between 5001 at CFAF 10,000
  • And CFAF 150 of 10,001 to 15,000 FCFA
  • CFAF 200 of 15,001 at CFAF 20,000.
  • However, to remove 30,001 at CFAF 50,000 you will only pay 450 FCFA
  • And just a rate of 0,7 % for amounts between 100,000 at CFAF 2,000,000.

The new Orange Money transfer rates by code and invoices  

Transfer by code has gone down and commissions at the level of bill payments.

Here are the new codeshare prices:

  • Of 1 at CFAF 500 fees have dropped to CFAF 5
  • Furthermore, of 501 at 2000 FCFA payment is CFAF 20
  • In addition, for the transfer by code of a sum between 2001 and CFAF 3000 you will only pay CFAF 45
  • However, for the transfer of an amount between 3001 at 5000 FCFA, shipping costs are CFAF 75
  • The costs are CFAF 40 for the amount between 5001 and CFAF 10,000
  • 10,001 at CFAF 15,000 you will only have to pay CFAF 200
  • Of 30,001 at CFAF 50,000 transfer fees are CFAF 650
  • And between 100,000 at CFAF 2,000,000 Orange charges a rate of 1 %

The new Orange Money fees for bill and merchant payment

Bill payments to Sonatel, Canal+ and merchant commissions are now free on Orange Money.

Furthermore, only 1% of the sum is deducted from the payment of the fees SEN’EAU, Senelec, Woyofal and Quick.

The new Orange Money Senegal 2021 rates are advantageous. Update your Orange et Moi application to benefit from it.  

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